How to use the bot
Last updated
Last updated
Try the bot now:
Open the chat with @xxxx and type or click on /start
Click on "Wallet Tracker" button to connect your wallet address and you'll see this new button section
Then you will need to Click on "Connect walle" and you'll past on the chat your wallet that holds $CAPITAL tokens
After you connect the wallet, you'll check if you're holding $CAPITAL tokens or no. If you're holding 0.5% of $CAPITAL you'll see the PREMIUM Tier results. If not, you'll see the FREE Tier results.
After that you'll clikc on "✅Connected | Wallet Tracker" and then, type /wallet yourwalletaddress.
Then you'll see the magic
Note: If you want to try again wit another wallet just click on "Try again" and type /wallet yourwalletaddress